This was magical and flies the imagination to consider the land of negotiations as a step into new territory. Lucky you and admiration for being brave and honest and clear re the benefits and the costs of negotiation. As a person very uncomfortable in the extreme Urbia that a couple hours away I can relate. And I really like the abundance of green behind the mask. I always tell people there are lots of folks living in their negotiations, really doing it, mostly they just stare at me like I’m a little off. I look forward to reading more and to your newsletters.
6 am on the first day of a new year, thank you for writing this. Was wonderful to listen to. Exquisite choice of words, phrases, places. painted visions for my brain. Giving me something to consider
This was magical and flies the imagination to consider the land of negotiations as a step into new territory. Lucky you and admiration for being brave and honest and clear re the benefits and the costs of negotiation. As a person very uncomfortable in the extreme Urbia that a couple hours away I can relate. And I really like the abundance of green behind the mask. I always tell people there are lots of folks living in their negotiations, really doing it, mostly they just stare at me like I’m a little off. I look forward to reading more and to your newsletters.
6 am on the first day of a new year, thank you for writing this. Was wonderful to listen to. Exquisite choice of words, phrases, places. painted visions for my brain. Giving me something to consider
Thank you Cria! Your feedback and encouragement feels great.